Calendario de Eventos
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2 eventos,
Caretaking: Preserving Collections, Communities, and Creativity
Caretaking: Preserving Collections, Communities, and Creativity
Kick-off TMA’s celebration of its centennial with a conversation about caretaking to explore the ways in which institutions, artists, and professionals embody the role of caretaker. Presenters, including Rachel Adler (collections manager / registrar), Amber Doe (artist), Alexandra E. Samarron Longorio (assistant professor of practice, nutritional science and wellness), and Feng-Feng Yeh (founder, Chinese Chorizo […]
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Bank of America: museos por nuestra cuenta
Bank of America: museos por nuestra cuenta
Este fin de semana, la entrada a TMA es gratuita para los titulares de tarjetas de Bank of America como parte del programa Museums On Us de Bank of America. Reserve un boleto en línea (uno por titular de la tarjeta) usando el código de descuento TMABofA, luego muestre su tarjeta de crédito o débito de Bank of America/Merrill Lynch en el mostrador de admisiones para canjear su entrada gratuita. Museos […]
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2 eventos,
Docent Art Talk: Why Warhol? Presented by Sherman Bodner
Docent Art Talk: Why Warhol? Presented by Sherman Bodner
How did the Pittsburgh-born son of working-class immigrants transform the art world? Why does Andy Warhol still matter? We’ll see four decades of Warhol’s art, hear from his admirers and detractors -- and discover how he caused commotion during his visits to Tucson. Monthly lectures examine art and artists that have influenced the world, from […]
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Curator Spotlight: Time, Identity, and Fate in Mesoamerican Art with Dr. Kristopher Driggers, Associate Curator, Schmidt Curator of Latin American Art
Curator Spotlight: Time, Identity, and Fate in Mesoamerican Art with Dr. Kristopher Driggers, Associate Curator, Schmidt Curator of Latin American Art
Ancient Mesoamericans innovated sophisticated traditions for marking the passage of time: a 365-day solar calendar and a 260-day calendar for divination. Join curator Kristopher Driggers, Ph.D., for a talk exploring how Mesoamerican artworks express cultural ideas about the relationships between time, identity, and fate. Select attendees will have an opportunity to learn what primary sources […]