At the beginning of the 20th Century, most Native American artists were restricted from exploring broad expressions of art. Allan Houser and George Morrison were among those to move away from stylistic traditions and began to explore ideas in modern art. Artists experimented with a wide array of styles and techniques while still maintaining elements of their tribal traditions and cultures. In this talk, we will take a journey through 22 artists, starting with Houser and Morrison, seeing how their influence paved the way for generations of Indigenous artists through today.
Monthly lectures examine art and artists that have influenced the world, from the great classics of Europe to the art of the Southwest, to the most exciting trends in modern and contemporary art. The Museum will also be open on those days, so bring the family, enjoy the Art Talk, and then wander the galleries!
Art Talks are $5 for non-members; free for TMA members and students with ID.
The elevator to the Alice Chaiten Baker Center for Art Education is temporarily out of order. The building remains accessible through the entrance located on the south side of the building along Alameda, the door is labeled “166.” Please call 520-616-2692 for assistance.
Image credit: Allan Houser, Prayer Song, 1983, bronze, edition of 3. Tia Collection, Santa Fe, NM
Pláticas de Arte por Docentes
Más allá de lo Tradicional: Arte Nativo Americano Contemporáneo
Domingo, 12 de mayo del 2024
A principios del siglo XX, la mayoría de los artistas Nativo Americanos encontraron limitantes para poder explorar amplias expresiones artísticas. Allan Houser y George Morrison fueron algunos de los que fueron más allá de las tradiciones de estilo y comenzaron a explorar ideas en el arte moderno. Experimentaron con una amplia variedad de estilos y técnicas, pero al mismo tiempo mantuvieron elementos tribales y culturales de sus tradiciones. En esta plática, haremos un recorrido a través de 22 artistas, comenzando con Houser y Morrison, ya que su influencia abrió el camino a varias generaciones de artistas indígenas hasta el día de hoy.
Crédito de Imagen: Allan Houser, Canción de Rezo (Prayer Song), 1983, bronce, Edición de 3. Collección Tia, Santa Fé, NM